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Contact the Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation

The Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation

Post Office Box 64971

Phoenix, Arizona 85082

Thanks for contacting us

The Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation depends on generous gifts from the community and friends to provide financial aid for local student’s educational needs, community service programs and other special needs. Gifts may be made in the form of cash, securities, trusts, annuities, life insurance and corporate or other foundation grants. If you are making a gift to any endowment or fund please note the designation. All gifts to the Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. The federal tax ID number for the Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation is 86-0774093. 


  • United Way Giving - To donate to the Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation through the United Way, use code #1617.

  • Annual Giving - Giving an outright donation of cash by personal check or credit card is the easiest and quickest way to support the programs and services of the Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation. 

  • Please make your check payable to the Phoenix AKARAMA Foundation.


If you are interested in making a planned gift to the Foundation, or if you would like further information on planned gifts, please call 877-252-1908. You are also welcome to use the donate button at the top of the screen to make a contribution.



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